Insights / Development

Boost Your Search Functionality Using Algolia

In this blog, we'll delve into how integrating Algolia with a website can streamline the way users interact with your content, using a practical implementation as our guide.
3 min read

Creating fast, efficient search functionality on your website can significantly enhance the user experience, guiding your visitors to the information they’re seeking with ease and accuracy. One of the things I was tasked with here at Southleft was to increase the speed of the search results page for New Books Network (NBN), a site built on Craft CMS. Although a CMS like Craft has built-in search capabilities, it can become challenging when building search queries with sites such as this one which has several thousand entries to sift through. Algolia, a powerful and flexible search API, offers a solution that not only improves search results but does so with lightning speed.


Algolia: Enhancing Search with Speed and Precision

Algolia addresses the challenges that come with a robust database like NBN’s by offering a fast, highly customizable search experience. It processes and delivers relevant results to user queries in milliseconds. Algolia’s comprehensive feature set supports typo tolerance, synonyms, filters, and many other functions that refine search results to closely match user intent.

Algolia: Enhancing Search with Speed and Precision

Algolia addresses the challenges that come with a robust database like NBN’s by offering a fast, highly customizable search experience. It processes and delivers relevant results to user queries in milliseconds. Algolia’s comprehensive feature set supports typo tolerance, synonyms, filters, and many other functions that refine search results to closely match user intent.

Setting Up Algolia: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Initialize the Algolia Client: Begin by setting up the Algolia client with your application’s ID and search-only API key. This establishes the connection to Algolia’s servers.
const searchClient = algoliasearch('YourApplicationID', 'YourSearchOnlyAPIKey');
  1. Configure the Search Index: Determine which index you’ll query. An index in Algolia is akin to a database table and contains the documents you want to make searchable.
  2. Capture the Search Query: When users enter a search term, capture this input as the search query. This can be done through URL parameters or directly from an input field.
const searchQuery = new URLSearchParams('q');
  1. Query Algolia with the Search Term: Use the captured query to perform a search against your Algolia index. Configure parameters such as hitsPerPage for pagination or filters for narrowing down results.
searchClient.initIndex('yourIndexName').search(searchQuery, {
  hitsPerPage: 10,
  filters: 'attribute:value'
}).then(({ hits }) => {
  // Process and display the search results
  1. Displaying Results: Once Algolia returns the search results, render them on your website. Algolia’s response includes all the data you need to create a rich, informative search experience for your users.

Benefits of Using Algolia

Algolia offers several advantages that make it a superior choice for website search functionality:

  • Speed: Algolia’s infrastructure is designed for high performance, delivering search results in milliseconds.
  • Relevance: Sophisticated ranking algorithms ensure that the most relevant results are presented first, enhancing the overall user experience.
  • Customization: Algolia provides extensive customization options, allowing you to tailor the search experience to your specific needs.
  • Scalability: Whether you’re a small blog or a large e-commerce platform, Algolia scales to meet your search demands.


Integrating Algolia into your website’s search functionality brings about a transformative user experience. By efficiently handling search queries, Algolia ensures that users are presented with instant, relevant results, fostering engagement and satisfaction. The process of setting up Algolia, from initializing the client to displaying search results, is straightforward yet powerful, offering flexibility to meet diverse search requirements. Whether your website features a vast array of articles, product listings, or multimedia content, Algolia’s search-as-a-service solution stands out as an essential tool in delivering a superior search experience.