Projects / Case Study

Coding the Good News: Adventist Review’s Online Overhaul

Merging two historic publications into one cohesive digital experience, we delivered a WordPress site that honors Adventist Review's past while embracing its future.
Client: Adventist Review

Services Provided

Front-End Development

WordPress Development

Content Migration


Religious/Digital Media



Mailchimp API



To create a modern, unified digital platform for Adventist Review, merging two existing sites into one user-friendly experience.

Unifying a Legacy of Faith

We were tasked with developing a new website for Adventist Review, merging their existing Adventist Review and Adventist World sites into a single, cohesive platform. Our mission was to create an MVP version of the site based on provided designs, while also managing the complex process of content migration from two separate sources.

New Adventist Review home page

Bridging the Past and Present

The main challenge was to create a modern, user-friendly website that respected the rich history of Adventist Review while meeting the needs of today’s digital audience. We needed to seamlessly integrate content from two separate sites, ensure compatibility with various media types including PDF magazines, and implement features like search functionality and email integration.

A Collaborative Journey to Digital Excellence

Adventist Review home page

Our approach centered on close collaboration with the client, regular meetings, and an agile development process. We broke down the project into sprints, focusing on key components such as landing pages, custom blocks, and post layouts. We also:

  • Implemented Mailchimp integration for email signups
  • Explored Algolia for enhanced search capabilities
  • Developed custom components for various content types
  • Worked closely with the client to address design feedback and technical requirements

Our approach centered on close collaboration with the client, regular meetings, and an agile development process. We broke down the project into sprints, focusing on key components such as landing pages, custom blocks, and post layouts. We also:

  • Implemented Mailchimp integration for email signups
  • Explored Algolia for enhanced search capabilities
  • Developed custom components for various content types
  • Worked closely with the client to address design feedback and technical requirements

Article page

A Renewed Digital Presence

The outcome was a successful launch of a unified, modern website for Adventist Review. We successfully migrated content from the two previous sites, implemented new features, and created a platform that serves the client’s current needs while allowing for future growth. The client, Gabe, expressed enthusiasm about the final product, marking a significant milestone in Adventist Review’s digital journey.

Our team is proud of the collaborative effort that went into this project. We navigated challenges such as changes in hosting solutions and additional design requirements with flexibility and professionalism. The project not only met the client’s immediate needs but also set the stage for ongoing digital engagement with their audience.

A Renewed Digital Presence

The outcome was a successful launch of a unified, modern website for Adventist Review. We successfully migrated content from the two previous sites, implemented new features, and created a platform that serves the client’s current needs while allowing for future growth. The client, Gabe, expressed enthusiasm about the final product, marking a significant milestone in Adventist Review’s digital journey.

Our team is proud of the collaborative effort that went into this project. We navigated challenges such as changes in hosting solutions and additional design requirements with flexibility and professionalism. The project not only met the client’s immediate needs but also set the stage for ongoing digital engagement with their audience.