Insights / Business

The Many Hats of PMs in Digital Agencies

Watch me ramble on and fumble through my words while having a delightful conversation with the hosts of the "Agencies That Build" podcast.
1 min read

I recently had the pleasure of joining the Agencies That Build podcast to discuss my journey as the founder and CEO of Southleft, LLC, and the unique approach we take towards front-end application design and development. In this engaging conversation, I delve into the myths of account management in our industry, share personal insights on our internal growth strategies, and reflect on how we invest in our team’s continual learning and development.

We also discuss our commitment to client relationships and our philosophy on using technology, including AI, to enhance rather than replace the human element in our work. Tune in for a candid look at the vision behind Southleft and my thoughts on the exciting future ahead.

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